October 23-25 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
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Submission deadline:
June 17, 2024.
Proceedings of the RCDL 2007
Tutorial: Approaches for large scale digital library infrastructures.
Th. Risse
Tutorial: A Tutorial on the MILOS Multimedia Content Management System.
G. Amato, P. Bolettieri, F. Debole, F. Falchi, C. Gennaro, F. Rabitti, P. Savino
Processing Principles of Information Resources for Evaluation of Innovative Potential of Science Fields.
I. Zatsman, S. Shubnikov
Socionet Information Resources, Scientometrics and Metadata Quality Indicators.
M. Kogalovsky, S. Parinov
Evaluation of INCISO: A system for automatic elaboration of a Citation Index in Social Science Spanish Journal.
B. Cruz, P. Blesa, T. Krichel, J. Osca-Lluch, E. Velasco
Problems of creation and functioning of a thematic information-communicative resource on geomagnetism.
V. Safroshkin, A. Ivanov
Information-computational system "Atmospheric radiation". State of the art.
K. Firsov, A. Fazliev, S. Sakerin, T. Zuravleva, B. Fomin, V. Zakharov
Virtual Archive as a prototype distributed data system for scientific knowledge base.
A. Osin, E. Trushkina, V. Kuznetsov
Automatic compilation of news stories reviews.
N. Abramova, V. Abramov
News Summarization System Based On Machine Learning Approach.
P. Braslavski, V. Gustelev
University Information System RUSSIA: Database and Services to Monitor Economic and Social Development at Regional and Local Levels. Applications for Public Administration and University Education.
A. Bogomolova, O. Karasev, R. Sennov, T. Yudina
Geographic Information System for Monitiring of Strongly Interrelated Data.
M. Ageev, B. Dobrov, A. Sidorov
Object visualization of thematic informational arrays.
D. Lande, A. Grigorjev, S. Brajchevskiy, A. Darmokhval, A. Snarskii
The properties of relevance distribution in documentary arrays.
A. Snarskii, D. Lande, S. Brajchevskiy, A. Darmokhval
Methodological approach for developing informational-reference systems on history of science.
V. Barakhnin, A. Fedotov
Digital archives integration platform.
A. Marchuk, P. Marchuk
Information model of the account of the temporary factor in information-reference systems.
Yu. Leonova, A. Fedotov
The Problem of The Seeds Selection for an Automatic Web-directory Resource Discovery Based on Strongly Connected Components Identification Followed by Content Filtering.
A. Sytchev, M. Bazhenov
Comparative analysis of near-duplicate detection methods of Web documents.
Yu.G. Zelenkov, I.V. Segalovich
Automatic Term Clustering in the Corpus of Russian Texts on Corpus Linguistics.
N. Vinogradova, O. Mitrofanova, P. Panicheva
Toward a Consensual Virtual and Real Time Clock in the Collection of Pulsar Timing Data Sets.
A. Avramenko
Integration of Data Mining Tools in the Infrastructure of Virtual Observatory.
N. Mamardashvili, A. Vovchenko, L. Kalinichenko, O. Malkov, M. Patrakova
Application of IVOA software tools for radio sources investigation.
O. Zhelenkova, A. Kopylov, V. Chernenkov
Automatic document metadata extraction from Russian scientific articles.
A. Vasiliev, D. Kozlov, S. Samusev, O. Shamina
N. Buzikashvili.
Dmitry Samoilov's Iskalka
The method for unsupervized detection and correction of misprints in geographical names for the system of semantic checking and validation of documents.
A. Andreev, D. Berezkin, A. Nechkin, K. Simakov, Yu. Sharov
The multilingual Access to the Data on the Base of the Geographic Names Thesaurus.
O. Lavrenova
Digital image collection navigation based onautomatic classification methods.
E. Myasnikov
Navigation into Full-text Data Bases and Portals.
M. Prokhorov, O. Bartunov
Image retrieval. Optimal weights for color and texture fusion based on query object.
I. Markov, N. Vassilieva, A. Yaremchuk
Application task ontology for systematization of information resources in molecular spectroscopy.
A. Privezetsev, A. Fazliev
About access to electronic collections presented as relational databases on the basis of ontologies.
E. Birialtcev, A. Gusenkov, A. Elizarov
Ontology-Based Approach to Getting Content-Based Access to Humanitarian Information Resources.
Yu. Zagorulko, O. Borovikova, G. Zagorulko
Application of concept refinement in salvation of ontology manipulation tasks.
N. Skvortsov
Description of Role Concepts in Linguistic and Ontological Resources.
N. Loukachevitch
SVG-visualization for digital libraries of hand-written documents.
A. Varfolomeyev, I. Kravtsov., V. Filatov
Segmentation of the image of ancient manuscript page.
V.S. Yuzhikov
Comparison of repository systems EPrints 3.0 and DSpace 1.4.1.
K. Kudim, G. Proskudina, V. Reznichenko
Specialized data types for digital libraries.
O. Bartunov, T. Sigaev
Long-Term Preservation of Electronic Theses and Dissertations: A Case Study in Preservation.
C. Becker, S. Strodl, R. Neumayer, A. Rauber, E. Nicchiarelli, M. Kaiser
Application of Conceptual Graphs in Digital Libraries.
M. Bogatyrev, V. Latov, I. Stolbovskaya
Source Registration and Query Rewriting Applying LAV/GLAV Techniques in a Typed Subject Mediator.
D. Briukhov, L.A. Kalinichenko, D. Martynov
Service-oriented GRID-approach to maintain data spaces of virtual organizations.
A. Zhuchkov, A. Kravchenko, N. Tverdokhlebov
Technologies and standards for services, catalogues and databases integration in Earth Observation programs.
E. Kudashev, A. Filonov
Developing information system for scientific society based on the integration of heterogeneous heterogenius heterogenius collections of resources.
A. Fedotov, V. Barakhnin, A. Guskov, J. Leonova
Digital Library of Mathematicle Resources MathTree.
O. Klimenko, V. Philippov, M. Philippova
Digital marine animals collections of the Zoological Institute RAS and their metadata.
I. Smirnov, O. Pugachev, A. Lobanov, A. Alimov, E. Voronina
Converting Desktop into a Personal Activity Dataset.
S. Chernov, E. Minack, P. Serdyukov
Exceptions in Information Systems.
A. Berztiss, B. Thalheim
Models of management of access to the distributed information resources.
O. Zhizhimov, A. Fedotov
The defensive system against unauthorized documents-copying of the digital libraries development.
E. Ivashko
Poster: The automated system of construction the thesaurus.
S. Tarasov
Poster: Automatic construction of ontologies.
E. Rabchevsky
Poster: Database and electronic libraries for the ecologies problems.
Yu. Molorodov, A. Fedotov
Poster: E-catalogue of the Pereslavl University Library.
D. Kulikov, L. Sukina, S. Nikolaev
Poster: Multilingual linguistic knowledge base: architecture and metadata.
N. Luneva
Poster: From digital library to an information system "The complete i.V. Lomonosov".
S. Volkov
Poster: CV recognition and grading automated system (MS Word document).
T. Kachaeva, V.S. Yuzhikov
Poster: Web-technology of dynamic classification in quasi-homogeneous digital collections.
N. Markova, O. Obuhova, I. Soloviev, A. Chochia